DR. M’s E-Housecall: Measuring Body Fat & Why It Matters
Sometimes the scale can be deceiving…Your weight is a combination of bones, muscle, organs/tissues, and fat. So the reading when you step…

Dr. M’s E-Housecall: 5 Ways To Lower Your Risk For Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes has become all too common in the United States, with over 29 million people affected now and some estimates…

Soup Is Comfort Food
There is nothing like a bowl of soup to warm us up, or cool us off, body and soul. Any time of…

Beans, Beans, They’re Good For Your Heart
Beans are ancient! They are a super-food loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals. They have a negligible amount of fat, and…

Burn Baby Burn!
Food is one of the greatest pleasures- it is the centerpiece at social gatherings, it can be a cultural experience, it us…

What Is An Internal Medicine Physician and How Can Their Expertise Improve Your Life?
INTERNAL MEDICINE DOCTORS IN MIAMI There are several areas in life where individuals tend to cut corners, but your health should not…

Put A Rainbow In Your Belly
There are unlimited combinations of fruits and veggies that make the most beautiful salads. And let’s face it, we eat with our…

Dressed To Kill
Salad is the perfect way to put a rainbow on your plate and in your belly. And we all eat with our…

Searching For A Way To Optimize Your Physical Performance? We Offer Athletic Performance Testing!
NUTRITION GUIDE FOR ATHLETES If you have been looking for a way to take your game to the next level, our athletic performance…

Get Your Health Back On Track With Our Customized Nutrition Services
TOP NUTRITION PROGRAMS Have you let the state of your health take a backseat this holiday season? It is easy to get…