How Can DNA Genetics Testing Help Our Professionals Treat You More Effectively?
GENETIC HEALTH TESTING It’s no secret that the most effective healthcare is personalized to the needs of the individual patient. Having a…

Unleash Your Happy Chemicals
It is a New Year. We have dreams, we have visions. We have set goals. Some of us will have to work…

Is Mercury In Retrograde, Or Are Your Hormones Imbalanced? Here’s Why Hormone Replacement Is Beneficial
FEMALE HORMONE IMBALANCE As the female body gradually begins producing less estrogen, you may start to experience side effects which can vary…

It’s Not Hysterectomy Month, It’s Women’s History Month
NATIONAL WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH The month of March is an exceptional one for women everywhere. It is National Women’s History Month, and we…

It’s A Quarter-past Time To Replace Those Hormones!
HORMONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY As you age, your body naturally begins producing fewer hormones, such as estrogen. This lack of hormone production in…